Die historische Fassladehalle der ehemaligen Kindl-Brauerei wird als nachhaltiger Wohn- und Gewerbestandort umgenutzt und erwe
Nach einer zweijährigen Bauphase, konnte die Nutzung des Gebäudes im Dezember 2021 aufgenommen werden. Die von den Nutzer:in
New built assisted living, conservation and re-model of historical Villa including gastronomy + wellness facilitiesProject arc
Competition to create open office-spaces in an existing structure. 2nd prizeProject architect at Wirth+Wirth Architekten / Are
complete renewal of a secondary school in Basel CH, including energy improvements, earth reinforcements, fire protection, acou
Implementation of a corporate cafeteria / kitchen in an existing office-structure.Project architect / cost-/ construction mana
Construction of highest standard residential propertiesProject architect at Wirth+Wirth ArchitektenArea: 2000 m2 / Clients: Pr
Corporate ID for C.I.A. SUD Infissi, Naples
Studies of parametric design / lighting
Furniture design + realization for A. Zecchini, San Giorgio a Cremano, NA
Competition entry for “Carbon Fiber Design Contest 2013”. Designed with Para 3D script
Wikiarchitettura 2.0 competition, 1.PrizePiazza S. Anna di Palazzo, Quartieri Spagnoli, NapoliCompetition to redesign a piazze
Furniture / interior design and realizationA. Alewa in collaboration with Officina del legno, Arch. Luigi Mazza, Bagnoli, Napl
Competition entry for [AC-CA] International Architectural Competition [04]located at the Puerto Madero Waterfront, Buenos Aire
Project Architect / cost- / construction management of a multi-purpose center for the municipality of Agerola, NAwith Arch. An
Internal renovations in Naples area with Arch. Andrea Florio.Ceramics used are handmade maiolica tiles of Cava de` Tirreni, Sa
Competition “Ernesto Lusana” to design low energy housing complex (Mentioned Project).Concept + visualization A. A
Requalification of ex hemp factory area, Frattamaggiore, NAin collaboration with Pica Ciamarra Associati, Gnosis Architettura,
Competition entry and 1. Prize for Le Carré Bleu, edition 2008Concept + visualization A. Alewa in collaboration with Raum 404
Competition entry for the urban regeneration of Palma Campania
Competition entry for Bodegas Terras Poster Design Competition, 2008
Some fun zooming into digital trees
Landscape design suggests the lowest possible intervention to the environment of meadow and sod cultivation.Morphology forms a
Corporate ID and interior design for Ergobox hardware store, ChalkidaConcept, visualization + realization A. Alewa in collabor
Installation on the hills of Nancy, FR by Maël Veisse
Consruction management internship at Sauerbruch Hutton, Berlin. Building handover 2012
Major design project at University of Applied Sciences, Bochum
Print your own greek-village window for your home/city!
Logo design Competition Neumann&Müller Veranstaltungstechnik, 2nd PrizeWie weit kann ein Symbol aufgelöst werden, bis es
Internship at Sauerbruch Hutton, Berlin. Building handover 2012
2004 – 2009
2004 – 2014
Student competition for the design of a watchtower in Essen-Bredeney, GER. 2nd prize